Primal is a delegated blockchain project that provides multi-chain features with seamless cross-chain DeFi ecosystem which allows instant in-chain (Primal) swap/conversion and variety of possible and probable decentralised lifestyle.
Primal will not only distribute, but also deregulate activities and lifestyle by allowing a guide to determine participation and authorities that are valid and/or invalid. This also will eliminate the need for reliance on consensus algorithm. Transaction history will deliberately be given a window of 60 seconds to track after which will be erased beyond trace. Also, there will actually be no centrality, hence, truly achieving decentralisation.
§ Scalability: up to 1 billion transactions per second. Confirmations are within 15 seconds
§ Multichain: ready features of various blockchains for easy and quick access to any blockchain; with a free-flow interaction
without borders or barriers and communicate without limitations and breakdowns.
§ Crosschain: instant transactions, swap and conversion of multicurrencies within Primal chain
§ Blockchain: a delegated blockchain; first of its kind. A blockchain with no centrality and no dependence on consensus for
❖ Multi-chain Support: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, Smart Chain, Polygon, TRON, Polkadot, Cosmos networks and so many more ❖ In-chain (within Primal) instant swap and/or conversion of currencies
❖ One signature wallet to receive coins from any blockchain and store balance in any coin
❖ Exchanges: centralised and decentralised
❖ DeFi: complete services which includes NFT, insurance, banking, market/e-commerce, trade and so many more ❖ Operating System “OS”: mobile and PC devices to power and run applications
❖ Software and Application: mobile and PC devices software and apps
❖ Digital Services: search engine, e-commerce, social media, messenger and so many more
❖ Payment Services: gateway, processor, PoS, ATM and so many more
❖ DeFi projects and/or services
❖ PRM: