eEat looks to expand the cryptocurrency payment options while driving mass adoption in the hospitality industry. eEat has been specifically designed to offer both business owners and consumers a more transparent transaction model aimed at cutting cost. The current credit card transaction model has a fee structure that adversely impacts businesses and customers. On the customer side, credit card companies charge yearly fees along with high interest rates, while on the business side, business owners are charged a percentage of each sale (generally ranging from 2%-5% depending on the creditor) resulting in lost profit. As an alternative, eEat will only charge $0.01 per transaction for the business owner while the customer enjoys up to a 25% discount on all purchases at the eEat restaurant chain and participating dining establishments.
Beyond the initial cost savings, eEAT guarantees faster access to funds compared to credit cards. Credit cards utilize a shared payment method that often takes multiple days for payment to be furnished to the business. With the adoption of eEat, payments are available to the business immediately giving business owners instant liquidity to pay staff and vendors. As a benefit to the consumer, eEat acts as a rewards system giving discounts and opportunities to win prizes ranging from activities like private cooking lessons with an eEat sous chef to tangible items. The benefits of adopting eEat as a form of payment are multiplied as consumers cross international borders. The cost to convert fiat currency and international credit card transactions is significant for the average traveler. By lodging and dining at participating locations, travelers eliminate all additional transaction fees when paying with eEat. These benefits ultimately drive foot traffic to businesses throughout the hospitality industry.
For both business owners and consumers, eEAT offers a host of benefits compared to the traditional payment models. As the use of cryptocurrency grows across all industries, eEat aims to be the main driver in mass adoption in restaurants, bars, and hotels by integrating the eEat payment app into established payment systems. The eEat payment app will be tailored to each country’s tax laws and regulatory requirements ensuring that all transactions are permissible by governing bodies.